Olivia Denton
Twelve Colors
My name is Olivia Denton and I am a multi-media digital artist. I work primarily in graphic design, illustration, and animation. I also have a vested interest in using traditional mediums like painting, collage, and drawing. In my work, I’m interested in using narrative and visual storytelling to address a broad scope of issues. These issues can range from my own personal meditations to larger themes. Some of the themes that show up in my work include mental illness, gender, environments and worlds, and escapism. I often approach these topics using humor, cuteness, cynicism, anger, and I often draw inspiration of popular visual culture.
For my terminal thesis project, I found inspiration from a small cast of characters that I had drawn some time ago. When I placed these characters in an array, I was interested in their spatial arrangement and their relationship to one another, but I was not sure how to go forward from that. However, when I showed the project to my friend, he became interested in one of the characters and wanted to know her story. This inspired me and made me curious about all the characters and their individual stories. From that point, I began my thesis project; finding the individual narratives that this cast of characters had to say and expressing those narratives though short animations and illustrations. I wanted to bring back the original array that these ideas were conceived in, and a website seemed to be the solution to showcase the array of images and the corresponding animations and illustrations. My goal for this project is for viewers to find some resonance in this diverse array of characters and stories. By displaying them in a group, I want to showcase unity and solidarity despite the diversity of their individual stories and characters.
untitled (sample GIF sequence from The Dreamer, Orange animation.) 2020