Brianne Swindle

Exoplanetary Resonance

In a mind infected with trauma, there exists another realm where reality disperses and warps into strange and eerie perceptions. Trauma leeches its way through to alter all sensations and consciousness. It takes its victim through interdimensional transmission, where they experience Earth with unfamiliarity and saudade. Eyes see through a lens differing in the cosmology of normal events and everything exists as foreign matter. The infected mind travels through the world without trust, cautioning every step as if it only exists in unknown territory. These symptoms are medically defined as dissociation, derealization, dysmorphia, maladaptive daydreaming, and psychosis.

I inhabit these alien landscapes of the traumatized mind. As I hear the echoing of an irregular heartbeat, and I feel my lungs oxidize with rust, I find myself crossing the vast expanse of my psyche. In this realm, perception is clouded by vines of dampened hopes, and the world seems to cave in upon itself. Whether my eyes are open or closed, I find myself in another world—a world shaped by the complexities of trauma and dissociation.

I have explored inner fragments of this world and translated my experiences through artistic processes mimicking unexplored nature from biomes of planets in distant solar systems. To exist on this planet is to see through another. This is Exoplanetary Resonance.



Savannah Sturgill


Ellyce Whiteman