
Marcella Rosen

Click Here for a Free Virtual Tour of YOUR Neighborhood!



My work varies in the subject matter it explores. My sculptural sound pieces such as "Clinkety-Linkety" and "ASMR Machine" attempt to navigate the relationship between percussive soundscapes and femininity. These pieces are both kinetically activated by the viewer and draw on my memories about the sonic qualities of gender performance.

My thesis project explores the changing urban landscapes in my Hometown Portland, Oregon. Specifically the way that new Smart City initiatives perpetuate gentrification in Southeast Portland. In my piece, "Click Here for a Free Virtual Tour of YOUR Neighborhood!", I create a 3D VR space that highlights pieces of infrastructure that have either closed or have been recently built. Text accompanies most of the entities within the space, and uses the second-person voice to position the viewer as the guide rather than the guided. The piece acts as a form of experimental geography that rejects both archive and prediction, allowing infrastructure from different temporal periods to exist simultaneously.


"Clinkety- Linkety", Porcelain and Wood. 2020



"ASMR", Wood, Acrylic, Ardiuno. 2019


Josh Rollo


Elijah Roth