My BFA thesis project is a survey of the flags posted to /r/Somnivexillology in the form of a 3D animation. I have attempted to lightly contextualize these flags, applying them to a cloth simulation attached to a flagpole. The subtitles displayed are taken from the titles of the flags as they were posted. This work fits into my larger interest in cultural logic and the persistence of images from the past in contemporary culture.
/r/Somnivexillogy is a relatively small but active community on the online forum Reddit. The “subreddit” is a platform for users to post illustrations of flags they have witnessed in dreams.
My interest in this community was primarily in that its defining variable for a post is completely unverifiable. Skepticism of the legitimacy of the principle claim in the community’s content seems futile, given its origination in the subconscious. In result, through even a brief exploration of the subreddit, the community’s own logic exposes itself and its fragility. And yet, the absurdity and openness of the parameters of the community seem to drive it further.
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Somnivexillology, video, 5:36, 2020.